Tuesday, 21 July 2009

I won`t write in detail about the Cream Tea last Sunday as it is a bit repetitive. As usual my fears were groundless, hordes turned up, we ran out of scones, large quantities of strawberries and cream were trodden into the carpets, there was the usual chaos in the kitchen as we grabbed teapots and milk jugs from each other, but there was a lot of good will around, and we all enjoyed ourselves in spite of gales and rain, and a surprising amount of money was raised for the Asylum Seekers in Southampton.
I have just been checking in on line for my flight to Lindau next Sunday. I always
worry that I am doing something illegal or criminal, so when I turn up at the airport, there will be two armed uniformed men waiting to arrest me. I am only going away for a week but there is a lot to do before I go: lists for dear H and N who are nobly standing in for me, the inevitable quiches to make and freeze for the Quaker lunch the day after I get back, the usual huge supplies of loo rolls to stash away, but even so I will probably get at least one call on my mobile asking for the phone number of the plumber.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

I went to Bristol last weekend to spend a night with eldest son, over from USA to do some research at the university. There is a strange Karma in Bristol which I think goes back to the fact that all its prosperity and fine buildings were funded by the slave trade. It rained relentlessly, but it was nice to sit around in a comfortable flat and read the Sunday papers and chat. Also to watch my 55 yearold mathematician son do his dancing practice. He becomes more and more addicted to dancing and he was trying to copy Michael Jackson steps. We went to see West Side Story at the Hippodrome which had some nifty dancing too.
I have been cooking and gardening like mad as we have yet another Cream Tea this Sunday, this time in aid of destitute Asylum Seekers in Southampton. I pray it won`t rain as there are all these mountains of scones in the freezer again, and the kitchen table loaded with calorie loaded cakes. As usual I am tormented by the thought that no one will turn up.
I suspect that I had swine flu last week. It was quite mild. Now my friend J has got it, a week later. Neither of us told any doctors so it just shows that the statistics are all wrong.
Have just seen two fat rats run across the garden, so I am waiting for Eddie the rat man with his lethal blue crystals. I always feel awful about the thought that the poor baby rats will be orphaned and starve.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

the generous gardener

I went to the garden centre today and bought two roses called`Generous Gardener,` pink ones, in memory of two dear gay men who used to come to our Meeting. Someone sent some money and I chose them because they are long flowering and reliable, but anyway I like the name as there is something generous about creating a garden. Now I am faced with having to dig two deep holes in a stony corner which is daunting. I think I will leave it till the morning.
It has been a relentlessly busy day:fighting with double duvet covers, washing, folding, ironing, clearing decaying food from fridges and larders, heaving piles of garden debris to the dump, all the usual. Now two B and B`s have just arrived, and say they would like breakfast at six oclock. Oh that`s fine I say cheerfully but I have just thought, that means getting up at 5.30am. I must be mad.