Sunday 11 October 2009

quaker voices

A few of us did some readings last night for Quaker Week (we called it Quaker Voices) It was in an ancient room in the Cathedral Close, and we read about the sufferings of Q`s in the 17th century when they were dragged through the streets by their hair, thrown into `stinking jails` for months on end, all because they wouldn`t doff their hats or swear on oath or pay their tithes, and some of them were tried and sentenced in Cheney Court just a stones throw from where we held the event. We read some poems, some by ourselves and some by proper poets too, and we enjoyed doing it but we did not get many punters. It was supposed to encourage some new recruits for Quakerism, but the audience was mainly our own Meeting.
My daughter J has stopped doing her blog because she got an upsetting respose which later turned out to be a joke, but it has put her off. I miss it, as it gave me a bit of an insight into her world. I hope she has second thoughts. I wish more of my friends and family would do blogs.

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