Sunday, 19 April 2009

I got back from holiday on Friday afternoon and it has been one mad rush ever since I walked in the door of the Meeting House. I have lost count of the number of people who have eaten a meal at our table in the last two days, interspersed with me dashing into town on my bike for more milk, bread, bananas which all disappear as soon as I get them home. There were three B and B`s who all said they wanted the full monty for breakfast this morning, and at one time everyone always used to say primly` Oh cereal and toast is fine for me`
I have just dealt with about fifty emails, and every now and then I have to go in the garden and rake up another barrowful of magnolia petals. But the garden looks lovely with all the tulips coming out and bluebells, forgetme nots and cowslips coming up everywhere which I haven`t even planted.
Still, I had a good holiday, read two and a half novels, played innumerable games of scrabble, did crosswords, cycled in the most breathtaking countryside in Northumberland with beloved family and friends, ate too many Easter eggs (back on the diet tomorrow, or the next day) And also had the treat of a night with my brother and sister in law en route.
More of this blog later when I have raked up some more petals, they are thick on the lawn again.

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