Monday, 28 September 2009

Yom Kippur and Harvest Festival

The reformed Jewish group who do not have a synagogue in Winchester, have been here for a Jewish festival:Kol Nidrei and Yom Kippur. It started last night at sunset with prayers and chanting and then began again this morning at eleven and lasted all day till sunset It was a total fast for twenty five hours, so it ended with a slap up meal, and then more singing. It was chaos in the kitchen here this evening with us all cooking and all the hungry fasters wanting their special soup and chola bread warmed up.
I also haave two perfect B and B guests who arrived on Friday, and leave tomorrow, Tuesday who have done non stop high quality gardening. They have pruned things within an inch of their lives, climbed trees and sawed off branches, mowed the lawns, the garden is transformed. All this and paid to stay here!
Also it is Harvest Festival time again and the lovely people at the alms houses along the road arrived with theirs: basketsful of apples, potatoes, carrots, Marks and Spencer tins of soup and baked beans, and nothing past its sell by date at all. I shall distribute it to the Family group tomorrow, but couldn`t resist a few well blessed baby carrots for our supper.

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