Friday, 19 February 2010

once more dressed and in my right mind

Thought I had better write again to say that the crisis is past (as in Victorian novels with deathbed scenes.) I am feeling perfectly well today and though my leg is not a pretty sight, it is much reduced in size and not quite so lurid in appearance. I have had a constant stream of kind visitors bearing; yellow tulips, soup, exotic fruit juices, grapes, chocolate, plants, and I have simply lain back on my pillows wallowing in all this attention. I had thought I would get some reading done during this week (almost) of enforced idleness, but, no, the days have been taken up with conversation, and has seemed like one long party.
Jackie Kay,the novelist and poet who had come to do a reading in Winchester came to visit. She was a great friend of daughter Julia`s so we talked a lot together of her yesterday afternoon, and today she went to look at the Jane Austen house in College St where Julia was born. So I treasure that time together though I was sorry to miss the reading.
If you look up my illness, erysepalis, on Wikkopoedia you get a list of people who have died of the disease (also some horrid pictures of people with it on their faces) Included in the list are: Charles Lamb, John Dryden,St John of the Cross, Pope Gregory xvi, John Stewart Mill,John Brown (Quenn Victoria`s friend) and Kelkpa,a Nordic whale who died in the Thames in 1996.

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