Sunday, 21 March 2010

The end is nigh!

I am doing things `for the last time`now. Today was the last House Management Meeting and I look back over sixteen years of reporting the leaks in showers, kitchens, blocked up pipes, recalcitrant residents, minor and major disasters of every description. In the meantime I am trying to pack up books, and the idea was to take half of them at least to the Oxfam bookshop, but I find it is so hard to get rid of them, especially the poetry books. My dear friend I is going to take an entire cupboard full of music, which has been sitting on the landing being a Fire Risk for years.
My friend M is busily painting the Ditchling cottage. We decided to remove all the fake old beams in the sitting room and now there are great gaping holes and an urgent need for a plasterer. I suppose that the last owner was the one who stuck them on,. Still it all makes work for the working man to do. I am spending a fortune buying things like a broom and a dustpan, a rubbish bin and a Hoover. It is like setting up home for the first time as all my stuff has been absorbed into the Meeting House. I have warned the residents that I will be taking the Scrabble, the dictionary, and the electric hand mixer. They will also miss my Guardian and the quick crossword every day.

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