Sunday, 10 May 2009

bluebell blues

Back from my writing retreat at beautiful Charney Manor, and feeling charged up. I go away again on Tuesday on a cycling trip to Holland with three splendid women friends. We will be sleeping in bunks on a barge.
I always like to `put the house to rest` before I go on holiday: tidy my desk, clean out the kitchen cupboards, and all the dodgy fridge contents, and tidy my flat, so I have a busy day ahead tomorrow. I gardened all day yesterday, mostly grubbing out bluebells. I have to confess an aversion to them. Bluebell woods make my daughter J cry for some reason and it has rubbed off on me. I reflected that this is the last year I will ever have to do it, as I retire on May 1st next year. As I mowed the lawns last night until it was almost dark, I realised that I won`t have to do that much longer either, though I do love the satisfaction of seeing the straight lines, and also the wonderful smell of the cut grass. I am determined to be positive about all these imminent changes in my life.

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