Saturday, 16 May 2009

windmills on my mind

Just back from flat watery Holland. Every one kept saying how sad, the tulips are over, but in fact there were lots of other flowers, cow parsley, buttercups, irises and water lilies in and by the canals. There were lots of nice birds too, and I loved seeing all the storks on big untidy nests.
We cycled for miles and miles with splendid Henk urging us onward, past windmills by the dozen. I had near death experiences with trams and juggernauts in Amsterdam, Haarlem and Leiden, and other unpronounceable towns. At night I collapsed exhausted in my little bunk on the good ship Zealand presided over by the skipper and his plump wife Linda who cooked tasty meals for us. Holland is the Land of the Bicycle. They have really got the hang of it, I had the best bike I have ever ridden and everywhere you see mothers with one two or even three children all on the one bike happily bowling along. It was a good holiday and I have come back fortified for a busy week ahead at the Meeting House.
There seems to have been a succession of plumbing disasters while I was away, every loo has needed attention and where is the other stopcock and there is shocking damp behind the shower and so on. The garden is looking nice and green though, and I will enjoy getting back to my bluebell grubbing and grass cutting tomorrow after Meeting.

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