Sunday, 17 January 2010

Blog on, blog on ...

I feel a moral obligation to continue this blog after a positive avalanche of emails from people that I never dreamt read it regularly including a lovely bloke from the Czech Republic who stayed at the Meeting House years ago and likes to `know what is going on here`
On a personal level, my right knee has suddenly seized up for no apparent reason and I resorted to using a walking stick this morning which immediately made me feel ancient and decrepit like those road signs that say Beware of Elderly People. So perhaps it is a good thing that I am shortly to retire, though footballers and Olympic athletes get bad knees from time to time.
It is sunny today and the garden looks unnaturally green after all the whiteness. Lots of people have come to Meeting and everything is back to normal after the chaos of the snowy weather. I`ve a busy week ahead in the house with some catering for two groups, so I am about to start my favourite job: making Lists of Things to Do.
I am reading The Children`s Book by AS Byatt and it is a winner, can`t put it down. I read it half the night.

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