Monday, 11 January 2010

Strange days, with few groups turning up and the quietness everywhere that comes with snow. It has not snowed again however in spite of dire daily warnings of impending blizzards, I am quite disappointed. I crunch my way across the the front lawn to get my car out to drive a resident to work as she is nervous about falling over on the ice rink that is Colebrook Street. On the way back I skid and nearly bump into a wall, so I decide to stay indoors and do boring admin jobs at my desk in the warm by the aga. But I feel lazy and unfit with no early morning swimming or cycling. One group that did come this morning was a new Pilates class and the meeting room was filled with young women lying on the floor with their legs in the air. I often marvel at the range of activities that go on in that room: Quaker silence, Buddhist chanting,yoga, circle dancing, earnest discussions, children playing, to mention a few.
I lit a fire for meeting for worship yesterday and someone spoke of the `ministry of the fire crackling` which is an interesting concept.

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