Wednesday, 17 February 2010

in bed with the doctor

It has been a long gap. The reason for this is that I am ill. I am lying in bed, having trays carried up by kind residents and friends who arrive up the two long flights , gasping for breath as they deposit a tasty snack. Sadly. I have little appetite, so I know I am not well as I do love my food. I have a red, hot, swollen leg. The doctor has just been to look at it. he did not come at first, but sent a prescription but we got him here today. and he will decide tomorrow if I have to go to hospital, I do not want this as hospitals are unhealthy places at the best of times.
The good thing is that now my temperature is more or less normal, I can read, watch TV, listen to the radio ,and struggle with the cryptic crossword in the Guardian. Also I have a succession of lovely visitors, so apart from worrying about the crumbs on the Aga downstairs I am as `well as can be expected`
Today, they are interviewing applicants for my job. Two have been up and put their heads round the bedroom door to say hallo. It is all interesting but quite stressful. I shall be glad when it is settled. I suppose I feel as if I am abandoning ship. Then there is the leaving do to cope with. A speech? Perhaps it can be in verse? Several friends have told me that they have put their foot in it in their retirement speeches, and upset people. I must be very careful.

1 comment:

knally said...

I hope your leg continues to improve Vicky.

You were much missed downstairs. We estimate it takes four Quakers to replace you, three of them to work out how to alter the heating.