Wednesday, 8 October 2008

A new resident moved in with the biggest sofa I have ever seen. He brought three big blokes from work to try to carry it up the two flights of stairs up to his room and as I had predicted it got stuck halfway. What a carry on! We had to get it down again and manoevre it into the garage and this meant bringing it through the Meeting Room full of startled Theosophists
We`ve had plumbing problems for the past two days I have lived in this Meeting House for fifteen years and I still never know where all the many stopcocks are and the labyrinthine ways of the system. A young lad turned up to replace a tap and and as soon as I clapped eyes on him I knew he wasn`t up to it. It had defeated another plumber the day before, so the tap still drips. What happens next I wonder?
It is Quaker Week, nationwide. The numbers are going down drastically so we are trying to tell people what a good thing it is to be a Quaker. Tomorrow we have a stall in the Covert in the High Street. I have been making wholesome Quakerish cakes and flapjacks to woo the populace and we have balloons and `free party bags` with Q literature in them, so tomorrow I will be there at 7am moving tables and setting it up.

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