Sunday, 12 October 2008

One of the joys of my life is going to the dump on a Sunday afternoon. I had three huge bags of garden debris, the result of a very satisfying Autumn clear up yesterday, so today I staggered out with them to the car and joined all the others heaving stuff into skips. I always fear I will heave myself headlong in as well. There is cameraderie at the dump, we all help each other, and there is enormous satisfaction in getting rid of stuff, though the best part of the whole execcise is going round to the shed at the back to see what treasures you can find. Today I got: a very nice rush seated chair for one of the resident`s bedrooms, four pasta bowls, a big serving bowl, and two mugs. When I got back I lit a bonfire and was about to start mowing when one of the residents took pity on me and took over.
Yesterday afternoon, Y, K and I planted an apple tree for four day old baby Alexander, third child of ex residents. Beloved Russian granny was there and as it was her birthday we celebrated that too. Lots of kisses. Russians always give you three, one on each cheek and a third one for luck.

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