Sunday, 26 October 2008

Yesterday we had a memorial meeting here for K who was executed in Texas some months ago. He became a Quaker while he was on Death Row. We planted a silver birch ree in the garden in his memory and we scattered some of his ashes under it. I asked M who had visited him in prison and was there at his execution, about his favourite music and she said English folk songs and the Beatles. So two friends played violin and piano arrangment of folk songs by
Vaughan Williams at the beginning, and I put on `Let it Be` on a CD with John Lennon at the end. It seemed the right thing. There was a good lunch afterwards, people brought things and they all tucked in.
Afterwards K and I worked in the garden and I also had a satisfying shed clear out. This necessitates another trip to the dump, something to look forward to.
I have a busy writing day today: firstly, items for the Courier, our meeting magazine, then my end of the month report which I have to submit to the House Committee tomorrow in which I make it sound as if the Meeting House is a model of efficiency, and lastly my writing group homework which is to be an observation of a couple, imagining their lifestyle. Each a completely different style, so I must try not to overlap.
Also J, T, and G are coming for half term this evening plus Jumble the dog.

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