Monday 6 October 2008

I had a very long birthday tea yesterday afternoon, eight came and no one seemed to want to go home. When they eventually left, someone else came, and when she left, a family of five turned up. It was good to see them, they were all people I love, but I could hardly stagger upstairs with fatigue when I finally went to bed.
Today the Meting House was full of Homeopaths, I keep wanting to say Psychopaths. They drank a lot of herbal tea, but were no trouble. This evening there`s Gamblers Anonymous, the Carers Group and a large number of Asylum Seeker Supporters. They are all milling about the kitchen as I write this, falling over each other, making their coffee and tea.
Today I have been to the chiropodist and also had a shiatsu massage. When you are old you have to spend more time just keeping yourself intact.

1 comment:

Missus Wookie said...

The homeopaths I keep wanting to say Psychopaths comment made me laugh out loud - thanks for that! :)

Saw your blog on the Wardenship email list.