Tuesday 16 December 2008

I have been up north to stay with beautiful grown up grand daughters and lovely B. I have had a restful time with long lie ins in the mornings, so I have come back full of pep and energy. Just as well as it is busy busy here with all the groups having their Christmas parties, there have been four in the last two days! Tonight the Theosophists appear to be having a four course sit down meal, and this morning we had a mothers and childrens party complete with Father Christmas. I also had the forty one school children with their RE teacher and had to talk to them about the Quakers and no they did not make Quaker Oats.
The kichen looks as if there has been an earthquake and I will have to have a serious go at the fridges tomorrow as they all leave mouldering remains of pork pies and dodgy sausage rolls. This will be the time that the Environmental Health officer decides to pay us a visit.
I have still not written a single card. Kind people send them to me. They come thudding daily through the letter box, a constant reproach.

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