Sunday 22 February 2009

weight on my mind

I went to the doctor for a check up and to my annoyance, my blood pressure was up and I was severely admonished for my large weight increase, not surprising as I have not kept to my New Year resolutions at all. So I have had a hungry couple of days with the prospect of more to come. No more slices of D`s fruit cake and his delicious home made bread made with the flour from the water mill where he works. The cat who is sixteen, is getting thinner I notice, and she eats constantly and lies about all day on top of the Aga, while I am whizzing around working, and up and down two flights of stairs, from morn till night. So unfair.
The weather is really Springlike, and as always, I had the feeling yesterday that I ought to be doing something special ,like walking or cycling in the countryside, or visiting a beauty spot, but in fact I pottered around in the garden, doing a bit of digging, raking, and straightening edges, with the washing blowing in the wind in the sunshine, and was perfectly content.

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