Monday 23 March 2009

Fired with enthusiasm

D lit a lovely bonfire down the garden this evening, and we at last burned the Christmas tree which had been lurking round the back of the shed, plus all the debris from the gardening day on Saturday. I love bonfires but mine tend to get a bit out of hand, and the last one nearly caught the fence and the compost heap, I had people dashing about with buckets of water.
It was magical outside this evening with the magnolia just coming into flower and the cathedral all lit up. The crows are keeping their distance thank goodness. I am not sure if it is the CDs strung on humming wire, the large flapping white wooden owl or the occasional appearances of the drunken falling over Vicky Darling lookalike scarecrow. Tomorrow I am having a new lawn mower delivered. I can`t wait. I want to use it as a Hoover to clear all the mess from the crows and the bits that fall off the magnolia tree. Such things give me enormous pleasure.

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