Tuesday 6 January 2009

I have been huddling up against the Aga this evening trying to get warm. Even this cosy house is chilly. I worry about the people sleeping out, there are usually one or two in doorways up the High Street and in the Park. It is Twelfth Night and we have just taken the decorations down and put the Christmas tree ready to be chopped up and burnt on the bonfire. I took the cards for recycling to WH Smiths and it felt awful to drop all those lovely pictures and loving messages into the bin.

My grandson, M is twenty today. I made him a cake with candles on it but he said he did not want all that palaver so I took the candles off and he took it away to share with his friends with 20 holes in the top. I remember his birth so well 20 years ago. in icy weather just like it is now. It was in The Hague in Holland and I gave him his first bath after we brought him home from hospital. I took him out in a big pram past Dutch people skating on frozen ponds like in a Breughel painting. He has grown into a kind warm hearted young man.

On Saturday, I am organising an Indulgent Breakfast at the Meeting House a fund raising event for Emmaus, a charity for homeless people which is just about to open a centre in Winchester. I have just read a very upsetting article in the Guardian about the way that pigs are reared so now I am anxious about the bacon. I have ordered five dozen eggs from very happy free range hens, so now must try to track down some kindly pig farmers. I suppose the kippers will be OK.

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