Thursday 29 January 2009

Two frightening big black birds

My Japanese friend came round to have a marmalade making lesson. One of the good things about marmalade is that you can only do it in late January or early February when the Sevilles arrive in the market. You need to pick a cold wet afternoon and really enjoy the warm kitchen and the lovely orangey smell. We both got sticky and so did the table, the cooker, the door handles, the taps. Luckily it set well and it was a joy to see the filled golden jars.

We are having a party on Sunday to say goodbye to dear T who is leaving the Meeting House as her three years are up. She used to work for a circus in Latvia and Russia so we are going to dress up in circus related outfits though she does not know of this yet. I cannot make up my mind about my outfit as I do not want to be cooking a roast dinner in anything tight or hot or uncomfortable.

Two big black crows have just torn up another large expanse of lawn. I do not know whether to encourage them as they must be eating some sort of grub, or to run outside and shout at them to go away. I have asked some lawn experts to come tomorrow.

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